We distribute chemicals.

What started as frustration from overpriced chemicals online, blossomed into an opportunity to make chemicals available to all hobbyists and small companies.

It all started when Justin wasn’t sure how to purchase high purity hydrogen peroxide for hydroponics. “I don’t want to pay for water-weight for 3% peroxide found in drug-stores. I want to create my own 3% solution for a fraction of the price.” And so, our chemical distribution company was born.

After a year or so, we kept receiving inquiries for large drum and tote purchases from small businesses and hobbyists. Not wanting to take away from the small-format packaging of our other website, we created a second this website: Bulk.DIYChemicals.com

We believe, through easy product listings and transparent pricing, we can make the process of buying chemicals online simple.


Owner and Founder

We Ship Bulk.

These pallets full of online orders is a normal day for us at BulkChem. This picture is from our first month of operation, in September 2022! Bulk.DIYChemicals.com is owned by Chemboys LLC.

Buy Chemicals from Us!